Friday, February 3, 2012

More like Cam-pain

The circus of campaign politics is like a painfully staged reality show. It's like the Jersey shore with more moderators and just narrowly less nauseating. It's got the same desperate composure that contestants on Survivor try to maintain. It's like the Real Housewives of the United States, with all the fake smiles and backhanded accusations. I'm pretty sure Rick Perry already broke a nail or two trying to claw his way out of his own public image.

My real interest lies in how the drama of campaigning for the Presidency this term is going to unfold. It's an interesting climate - The Obama Administration has made some of it's more drastic changes in the past two years, with Obamacare, Bin Laden and the brand new headlines about a drop in the unemployment rate all making his resume look a little more sparkling than it did in year one. The GOP has less to point fingers about, but that isn't their biggest problem. The most interesting aspect of the campaign is going to be watching whichever Republican candidate that gets chosen (ahemittromney) try to sell themselves as the better choice. This is the issue the Republican party faces - they've had a good 3+ years complaining about what's wrong with the Obama presidency but now the spotlight has swung their way and finally they get to answer the million dollar (or trillion, depending on which debt you're looking at) question, 'well what have you got to show us that's better?'

They gave us Herman Cain, whom I can't believe was taken seriously as long as he was, Rick Santorum, whom I heard in one debate actually claim as president he would go to war with China, Newt Gingrich who is like the guy in your office that steals all the nice pens and keeps looking for them with everyone else, Rick Perry (ouch), Michelle Bachmann whose bible belt just did not match the GOPs outfit, Mitt Romney who makes plastic itself feel inadequate, and Ron Paul who... okay next candidate.

The two front running candidates that are now narrowing the field are going to make this even more fun. Newt Gingrich is the extreme, not quite as painful to watch as a Sarah Palin or Herman Cain but still kind of a loose canon. Mitt Romney well, that man needs a Raegan-sized team of advisors to get him to just close his wallet and walk away from the microphone. I've never heard anybody make such an absurd amount of gaffes about the same subject. Stop talking about money, Mitt. It isn't water.

I have a feeling this whole thing is going to play out like one big Arrested Development joke.

That is the subject matter for this forum. Along with some commentaries on movies and tv, which, fair warning, will mostly be about Batman. Happy Friday everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see your thoughts on some of the following in future posts: how will the current uptick in job numbers impact the current republican strategy? How much impact will Newt have in moving Mitt off center? What is/should be the role of super pacs in american politics? and what could Sarah Palin learn from Batman?
